Monday, 25 April 2011


Since the Ocampo six arrived from the Hague and attended their home coming bash, there has been very little politics in the country and the silence is deafening. Every week, we were all glued to our screens listening to the bickering of our politicians. Until two weeks ago, watching news was fun. Whether or not you like the uhuru and ruto alliance, you most probably loved listening to them. Now, none of them is talking and watching of news is no longer a priority for many.

Many of us cried that the media blackouts the ocampo two and I think uhuru and ruto indeed read the mood and blackouted themselves. As a result of that, news have lost taste and all I hear is the food prices. I acknowledge that the media is highlighting the plight of ordinary mwananchi, but I don't think ordinary mwananchi has been programmed to sit down and watch the 9. oclock news to the end if there is no political noise. I dont know how we got here but I know if Kenyan's continue like this, we will not end well.

Part of the reason for the obsession with politics is the media itself. Over the years they have fed us tonnes of it and miles of it in print. They would rather rush to cover a politician giving a stupid statement than cover some story that will keep Kenyans laughing the rest of the night. Citizen recently launched a series called truth meter on sunday live. The reasoning must have been that the kenyan politico class  would continue making remarks that would make it a must watch. However, watching it this sunday showed that it has failed to serve that purpose well. Throughout the week, little political statements were made and thus truth meter was giving us info that we already have.

The catchy headlines that characterized our newspapers are also gone. This has without a doubt left the media with decreased revenue. Maybe politics is indeed the driving force for many businesses and lack of it is been felt everywhere. You better watch this space because the next time there is a big political function, the media will breathe and bloggers will write.

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